The year’s first newsletter arrived in February. It announces the publication of Hammer of Damnation magazine issue 3, and the usual news section and the mailorder catalog.
The most curious part is the first appearance of the name Demonosound in context of releasing records. The first release under this name is already in the catalog: an untitled promo tape by Kadotus 609, a project first mentioned in the December newsletter. The tape in question contained two songs recorded in the Summer of 1992. According to the newsletter it “wasn’t meant to be officially released” but due to an apparent ‘leak’ was now briefly released after all, coinciding the announcement of a forthcoming 7″ep:
“Flames of the Sunset Cult is the pre-title of the debut KADOTUS 609 7″ep which shall be released on HAMMER OF DAMNATION Production (Demonosound). To be included are 3 songs of a unique kind of ‘psychedelic horror/synth Blackwave’ as the band themselves label their music. It will be released in late May.”
In other news, Hammer of Damnation issue 2 is listed as sold out.
Newsletter 1/1993 was xeroxed in black & white, 12 pages, size A5, typical for underground zines of the period. The edition was about 100-150 copies.