Ibrahim Terzíc

Ibrahim Terzíc

Ibrahim Terzic released his debut mini-album Fabrike Jaja on Some Place Else in spring 2001. Having previously played in a “metal-banging industrial band” in his home town Tuzla in Bosnia, Fabrike Jaja introduced a completely computer-based sound, yet as intense and noisy as ever. Avanto Festival, who later booked Terzic for a show in 2003, described it as “like a quarry studied at close range”.

The second mini-album Dva was released in 2002, indicating major progress in Terzic’s compositions and sound-sculpting skills. Quoting Avanto Festival again, “the wall of noise subsided somewhat, and nervously twitching rhythms and absurd humour previously almost hidden behind it were revealed.”

In 2003 Terzic teamed up with Reptiljan to release a split 7″, again on Some Place Else. On this piece of vinyl the artists successfully explore the most brutal and abrasive horizons of digital spheres, ending up somewhere between digital grindcore and harsh noise.

Ibrahim Terzic currently resides and works in Helsinki, Finland, actively performing live both solo and with his bands Panic, Squidraw and Rajapïnta. We’re looking forward to a new release from him in near future.

Sounds Like?

“His ‘Yuck Brij’ is a highly distorted computer noise, which sound, when played at the right volume, quite alright. Both pieces are sure to break down any party you have going on.” (Aversionline on Yuck Brij)

” Very short and different sounds as it seems are randomly arranged to patterns and create a complex sounding collage that’s chaotic at the same time. Partly there’s also some noise loops put together in a power electronics/industrial style and they fit in perfectly.” (Noise Annihilator on Yuck Brij)

”Puhtaaksi rytmikkääksi noiseksi en tätä monikerroksista Dva –levyä kutsuisi, mutta yksinkertaisemmaksi ja varhakantaiseksi Autechren layeriksi kylläkin, sillä Autechre ja Ibrahim Terzicin cutoffit synkkaavat sihinän pulputuksella siinä missä Isossa-Britanniassa matkailijoiden perhemajoitus yhdistää sanat Bed and Breakfast. Dva on autenttista alfasäteilyä, jossa kuuloaistia vedätetään pintaa syvemmälle.” (Inferno Dva:sta)

” Otsalohko jähmettyy, ydinjatke nikottelee ja aivokurkiainen haluaa jäätelöä… Oivallista äänimaisemaa zen-harjoituksiin…. tai jos olet robotti… tai jos seisot Kiasman hississä… (5 out of 5)” (Johnny Kniga Dva:sta)

” An entire digital release without any beats or rhythms, just explorations of stretched and processed noises. Sometimes going in a heavy industrial mode, but all in all a very nice release.” (Vital Weekly on Fabrike Jaja)

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