Some Place Else is something else.
We are things treading outside the well-trodden highways,
Instead choosing to take the shady crooked paths,
overgrown footways or underground tunnels.
Some Place Else is a melting pot.
We are not stuck to a particular genre,
Nor bound by preconceived ideas on what music should sound like.
We embrace any and all attempts on breaking set limits
in order to breed weird cross-over hybrid Bastards from
(seemingly) contradictory source elements.
At Some Place Else, there are no limits
except those you choose to impose on yourself.
To be truly free, those need to be banished as well.
By any means necessary.
By any means available.
By any means envisioned.
And by those means you wouldn’t have ever thought of.
This is Some Place Else, where
Change begets life begets change.
There is no freedom in stability, nor creativity, nor life.
Some Place Else breaks your mold.
Stability is nihil,
change is vigour.
This manifesto was written for Some Place Else by Niko Skorpio and Ovro sometime in 2004.