
Unconventional conjurer of surrealistic soundscapes, illustrator of dreams and nightmares with a distinct style. Surreal music, subterranian soundscapes. Dormant volcanoes coming to life. Scratches, crackles and human voice put through alchemy of sound. Bass abuse. Church bells conjured out of the sound of breathing. Odd evo/invocative lyrics. Hauntingly disturbing atmospheres, subconscious landscapes. About mid April … Continue reading Ovro

Ibrahim Terzíc

Ibrahim Terzic released his debut mini-album Fabrike Jaja on Some Place Else in spring 2001. Having previously played in a “metal-banging industrial band” in his home town Tuzla in Bosnia, Fabrike Jaja introduced a completely computer-based sound, yet as intense and noisy as ever. Avanto Festival, who later booked Terzic for a show in 2003, … Continue reading Ibrahim Terzíc